Saturday 18 October 2014

Do not let the Wrong Mattress be the cause of your Sleepless Nights!

They say that getting a sound night’s sleep is the best way of sleeping over stressful matters. Choosing the right bed mattress can make a big difference between a restful slumber and the added stress of tossing and turning in bed all night. According to reports, the best mattress should align your body curvature perfectly, one which supports all the pressure points of the body. It should exert adequate and uniform amount to pressure at all points and bends of the body. In order to avoid morning headaches and backaches, your head, shoulders, back as well as heels must not be in an arched or compromising condition.

Thus, a comfortable mattress comes somewhere between being too firm or too soft because both have their downsides. Taught ones exert too much force on your pressure points and keep your body from relaxing all night. While with loose ones, too less pressure is impressed, so the body arches back and forth all night in order to attain a more comfortable position. The result of both types is the same- sleepless and fidgety nights.
Major types of mattresses on retail are mainly the spring type, latex and foam. There are pros and cons of each and ultimately you have to take a decision based on your unique comfort needs. Innerspring mattresses are perfect for the overweight people as the former are flexible and can be stretched. Thus, obese individuals can get off and on it comfortably. Basically, innerspring is the ideal type for most individuals, although people with back problems or spondylitis may opt for more taught mattresses. Memory-foam types are now gaining popularity because of their unique shape-fitting ways. They can mould accordingly to every body type and are sensitive to temperature too.  They meander along the right contours of the body, exerting equal force on all the pressure points and hence relieving the pain. Also, they are motion-absorbent…hence, ideal for people sharing a bed. This type is best recommended for people with sleeping disorders and muscle fatigue. Latex mattresses provide a firm support and are recommended for people having back problems or those who are habituated to sleeping on the floor.

If you simply want your money’s worth, you can choose foldout couches and sofa beds too. Air mattresses and adjustment beds are a sensible choice if you have limited space available. Spring mattresses are difficult to use with adjustment beds, so for the latter; you have to opt for other models.

 Even if you have an age-old mattress that is too comfy to part with and is still in a good condition to last further, remember that mattresses should be changed in every ten to fifteen years. With time, they accumulate moulds, bugs, lice and grit. The same can infest your body too. Changing your mattress need not mean an array of sleepless nights before you get used to your new one. You can avoid this by choosing a bed mattress with discretion and judgment. Take the hassle of walking down to your nearest store and testing a sample before you purchase it finally. That ensures satisfaction and another ten to fifteen years of restful nights provided you buy the best quality mattress from a reliable store like Mobile Mattress

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Bed Frames for your New Mattress

When you have settled down in a new place, you need to organize everything that you will need in your day to day life. You need to install a wide range of daily furniture, many electronic gadgets, some of the appliances and other things t you will need in your daily chores. Few days will certainly be needed to be devoted to chalk out the entire plan, and an additional number of days will be required to arrange everything according to your plan. Amongst these items which have made a place in your things to buy list, one of the most important things that you need to buy is the frame for your bed. You could have bought the mattress beforehand and currently you are looking for the correct size of bed frames to match the size of your mattress. This is extremely vital because your new mattress will require proper support. This will increase the longevity of your bed.

So how can you ensure that you have got the right kind of support for your new mattress? If you have chosen the frame to be made of metal and it has already been 10 years old, check whether it makes any squeaking or rattling sound as someone gets on the bed. These sounds will indicate that your bed frame has weakened with the time and needs to be serviced properly. Sometimes, the mattress company will provide you with the option of getting a frame for free as you are going to invest for the mattress. Do not get deceived by it. These frames are of the cheapest quality and will wither in performance in no time. It is much better that you choose an upgraded deluxe model for your bed and pay the amount for it. This will guarantee you of superior quality and performance and are much more supportive and durable than the free ones you will get from any mattress stores.

Again, if you are opting for a wooden frame, make sure that the wooden slats do not bow down in the middle. This will point at its deteriorating quality and will break down if not serviced soon. Moreover, wooden slats are not meant for king or queen sized beds because for these kinds of beds, you require at least one leg to reach the floor. You can certainly get the leg to be made out from the wood from any of the local hardware stores by providing the correct information to them about the length. You will also find that many companies provide metal centre support slats instead of wooden slats. It is because the performance of metal slats is much better compared to the wooden slats in terms of the best possible support. So it is advisable to go for metal supports if you want your bed to last longer.

So if you are planning to get a new bed, make a detailed study of each bed frame and see about their requirements. Each frame will come up with additional features. Check what features are needed by you. You can also check into the official website of different bed frame companies regarding this aspect. Be introspective in your approach so that you come up with good results in terms of locating a good company like Mobile Mattress.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Immense Importance of having Good Bed Bases

When you buy a mattress, you expect it to be perfect. But, do you know that in order to get the perfect mattress, you also need to have a quality base. A bed is complete when it has a quality base and a perfect mattress. So, how will you choose the best bed base? Well, first of all, bed bases can be of various types. Starting with ensemble bases; these are really strong and come with inner spring mattresses. The boxes inside are upholstered, and there are springs to support the box. These are usually used on beds that are very low to the ground. Ensemble mattresses are known for their ability to ventilate easily and also keeps dust mites away from the bed. Slat bases, on the other hand, have flexible timber that is usually fitted inside a metal frame. They can be motorized or adjustable, and offer superior ventilation and support for a good night’s sleep. The slat bases are very adjustable, and you can change them according to your changing lifestyle. Suppose you are a teenager and then a grown-up, or when you are planning to get pregnant, anything. It can adapt to the changes you make and yet it will be strong enough as if it is brand new.

Talking about slats, it would be better if you choose them according to your choice. Flexible slats are the best because of their flexible nature. They allow the timber slat to absorb the downward pressure and also help the mattress to contour around the shape for a more personalized sleep. Secondly, they are designed in such a way so that it alleviates the back pressure and this in turn prevents any kind of back pain that may be caused due to wrong sleeping posture. Additionally the air flow is also superb in the flexible slats. The gaps between each slat make ventilation much easier around the mattress. To have a comfortable sleep, it is important to have a perfect temperature, and the mattress tries to provide full support to that. When you talk about bed bases, dust mites will automatically come into the picture. But, with the above-mentioned mattresses and slats, there will be hardly any dust mites around. If you have chosen an ensemble base and there is a slatted base over it, there will be no chance of any dust mites around that area. There are people who suffer from allergies and with dust mites around; the situation can become worse for that person. But, if there is an ensemble mattress and slat base then a person will be relieved from the allergies. 

 While sleeping with your partner, you would not want to disturb her in the middle of the night. Keeping that in mind, the flexible slats are designed in a way where there is a central support bar in between two sets of slats. So, if two people are sharing a bed, it doesn't mean they are sharing the same slat. They will have their separate slat, and that would prevent any kind of disturbance at night. Mobile Mattress would be the most-ideal online platform to buy the best bed bases at reasonable prices.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Mattresses Online: Key to a Charming Night

Whether it’s residential or commercial, mattresses should be comfortable always because, after a long and busy schedule, our body needs extreme relaxation. Mattresses are not just a bed item; its gives a soft support to our body like mother’s lap and pampers like the most loved one. Insufficient sleep causes some chronic problems like sleep apnea, or high-blood pressure which can affect badly your mood and performance at your workplace alternatively harms your health. Purchasing high-quality mattresses online is not so easy; it requires detail research as you will be able to choose the perfect one for your bed. 

Before any detailed discussion, it’s required to know how the mattresses came in our life and why they are so special. "Beds" and “Mattresses” have begun their journey together in Neolithic period to protect us from the dirt, drafts and pests. From piles of leaves and grasses to the modern premium fabric, mattresses have traveled a long way. Mattresses, the word, originates from the Arabic term “matrah," which specifies “something thrown down” and after a long time the contemporary term “mattresses” has come. Mattresses are large pads which give support to a lolled body, are normally placed on the top of solid bed base. In previous days, mattresses were made by various natural materials like hair, straws, cotton, foam, rubber and feathers, but nowadays mattresses are made with high-quality fabrics, webbings, coils and springs. There are some renowned companies that provide the wide range of local and imported mattresses online.  Before purchasing a mattress for you, just keep some points in your mind:

The company should be experienced and reliable

•    The mattresses should be made by high standard and durable material.

•    Different sizes of mattresses should be there as you can select the suitable one for you.

•    Doorstep delivery to save your time and money

Usually the mattresses online come in four different types .i.e. normal mattresses, ensembles, foam mattresses and custom made mattresses. Though the custom made mattresses need few more time but it has been designed as per your idea and requirement. When the mattresses are manufactured for commercial purposes, they have to be more stylish, luxurious and comfortable. Commercial mattresses are designed by interior finish experts to provide an excellent combination of style, comfort and durability. There are many experienced retailers that keep exclusive range of other bed items like bed frames, pillow, pillow covers and mattresses protectors.

Cost of mattresses depends on company’s terms and policies; alternatively it also varies as per the type of mattresses, materials and sizes. Many companies offer free delivery facilities to local customers. Discounts and other facilities will be there to suit your budget. The mobile mattress is a 100% Australian owned and operated company that offers high quality stylish and comfortable mattresses online at affordable cost. The company is preferred for its high-standard products and hassle-free purchases.

A comfortable mattress is the key to sound sleep and peaceful night; so, never think twice for investing on it. Choose a reliable and renowned company and rejuvenate your night with the warm affection of your bed.